Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
Saw three episodes. Immediate thought: it's called "Tales of the Empire" and there's a story about the CIS and Dathomir witches. No Empire. I thought this was supposed to be Tales of The Empire?

Anyway, Grievous's ridiculous mustache-twirling villainy aside, writing seemed decent albeit butchered in delivery. It's like the voice actors *literally* phoned it in, the only reason I don't think that actually happened was the audio quality. But jeez, the voice acting reeks of unrehearsed first-takes only. Why the director would find this acceptable I have no idea.

Anyway. We actually get the Empire in episode 2, only for them to mostly disappear right back in episode 3. Why is this called "Tales of the Empire" and not "Tales of Morgan Elisbeth"?

Ridiculously poor title aside, it's actually better than I expected. Terrible delivery only lasted the first episode. Still, hopefully the second half will be more interesting - seems like they just focused on Ahsoka villain backstory in the first three.
I'd say the next two for you are pretty Empire focused, with the final one a bit Empire focused.

I'd tend to agree that Tales of Morgan and Tales of Barriss would have been better (and then they could have broken it in half to get two releases out of it, rather than dumping them altogether?

I will say, I was glad to see an attempt to make Dathomir not a monoculture, even if I'm not sure how other 'clans' works with what we see of Dathomir in other media (especially Fallen Order). I also really enjoyed how no one else on Dathomir knew why the droid army had come and so was, reasonably, afraid they'd be genocided too (which they may indeed have been) and Morgan's total unwillingness (or to be fair, lack of knowledge as she's clearly very junior) that this entire thing is happening because Mother Talzin deliberately double-crossed Dooku and is attempting to kill him.

We also don't see the army of the dead or any of the Nightbrothers, which is a shame, given how much I think poor Feral has been totally forgotten by Star Wars's desire to rehab Asajj.