Quote Originally Posted by Breitheamh View Post
Utra's words were enough to give Skaruvus pause, and as he landed gracefully back on his paws from the Orc's defense of his grapple, he let his weight settle back slightly, raising his head to show a slightly more diplomatic posture.

And then he speaks in a language that very few, if any could recognize, something that feels more primal and rooted in the earth.

Spoiler: Druidic
"You who has become my opponent, I listen to the wind and sky when they speak... As arbiter of beast and grove, would you become my fellow, my predator, or my prey?"
If anyone can speak Druidic, this is immediately recognizable as a highly formal entreatment offering truce and warning of deadly conflict should the truce be broken without prior agreement.
Surreth returns to the valley, having located people walking upright. Gripped within a muscular talon is a small branch from a shrub dwarfed by high elevations. The natural clue, seemingly nothing more than a stick with a triad of ripe orange berries, holds libraries of information. With this one token Skaruvus is able to know from where Surreth has come.