Quote Originally Posted by brian 333 View Post
Informed consent is a Chaotic principle.

Objection: It is Good!
Refutation: Does the toddler know not to play with magical experiments? Obviously, they must be prevented from doing so for their own good without informing them why or gaining their consent.

Objection: That's stupid, an adult can comprehend while a toddler cannot!
Refutation: An adult can comprehend, but can an adult be trusted? What about Miko? Or whatshisname from Redcloak's backstory?

Objection: But it's not right to force a character to give up his soul without consent! Even devils have contracts you have to sign!
Refutation: We know nothing of the process by which a character becomes a Ghost Martyr so whatever we imagine of the process is probably incorrect. As The Giant has said*, instead of assuming something does not fit the facts, why not assume something that does?

An assumption that fits the facts:
At each step of the way in training, a paladin of the Sapphire Guard takes a series of vows that lead to unlocking the potential to become a Ghost Martyr. Not every paladin has what it takes to achieve this goal. Upon death, the prospective Ghost Martyr meets Soon within the gem. The paladin is told everything, and is asked to take a final oath, or to choose to go on to the afterlife. If the paladin takes the final vow the paladin becomes a Ghost Martyr, and waits in the gem until Soon calls upon the Ghost Martyrs to defend the gate. Only Soon is awake and aware while the Ghost Martyrs sleep until called.

* Summon Banana for the exact quote.
That doesn't fit the facts for the recently murdered paladins in that throne room.