Quote Originally Posted by Errorname View Post
The Snarl not being the focus of the story doesn't mean it isn't important, in his own words the significance of the Snarl is how it's presence alters the shape of the story and the goals of the characters. That's not at all incompatible with a late game twist about what the Snarl is that opens up a different path to victory.
Okay. I'll readily grant that much. It isn't incompatible with anything as much as it is unneccessary. Yes, it could, in theory, go that way. The Snarl' presence would alter the shape of the story and it would still be about what the caharacters cook from that; but the thing is, the Snarl's presence is already doing that, big time, and the characters doing what they do about it now has the added bonus of being a handy path towards staisfyingly wrapping up the monster races subplot and Redcloak's personal arc. It would just be an extra step in the process and I'm not sure what, exactly, it could add.

Oh, I might see the problem. I don't think Thor's plan is going to fail because he's wrong about the Four Colours thing, I think Thor's plan is going to fail because the state of the world is going to deteriorate to the point where simply patching the existing rifts with more gates will stop being a viable solution. I don't know how that gets solved, but this story consistently pushes the heroes about as close to utter defeat as they can possibly go before they find some way to win/survive, and stopping Xykon before the last rift is destroyed is not as close to utter defeat as this can go.
Ah. I've good news then! The Four Colour plan doesn't involve creating Gates (complicated, fragile magical sealing mechanisms), but rather simply resstoring the fabric of reality to its pre-Rift state, except with stronger threads. Instead of something one could blow up by hitting it too hard, we get a seamless patch even the Snarl cannot damage.

Now, if said fabric gets damaged to a degree that it becomes literally impossible to just sew it back together… Well, the world falls apart and our heroes die. The End. I don't see that happening.

If that was all the resolution the Ark got, if Indiana just beat the bad guys and took the treasure and put it in a warehouse, I would call that not particularly dramatic. However, that scene is preceded by an insanely iconic climax where the Ark plays a pivotal role where the movie pays off all the set up of the Ark's power.
But then… We have seen the power of the Snarl at work. We have seen rapidly expanding tears in spacetime blotting out the sky and even those tentacles lashing out to murderize people and eat their souls. It's already not an inert box in an even more inert box.