Mark and Mina:

Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
"I bring information, baby food and soap!" He exclaimed, with the most false bravado he could. "Sooooo he didn't help hatch your Riolu, the aura guardian seemed to be insulted that he tried actually, but she did buy some supplies from him! One of those two soaps in there. Maybe Riolu can tell us which one she washed him with, and we can have your Houndoom, my Umbreon or Less's Arcanine track her with that. He also chipped in some baby food, as thanks for when you saved his dad from the Spectral dimension."
Soap?” Mina asked, briefly confused until Mark explained. “Oh, yes.

She should probably check in with Spencer while she was in the area. Make sure everything was doing okay locally.

But in the mean time she called out Riolu.

Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
"Also got the samples. Need to make sure they stay chilled, but it's pretty cold right now, so I should have time to- aha!" Pulling out the empty (and lightly crumpled) water bottle and holding it aloft, he picks his bag back up and says, "Gonna refill this quick, if you wanted to get Riolu out and ask him if either soap smells familiar. Should be good to go back to Skybreak after that."
All right then.” Mina opened both soap bottles while Mark took off for water. “Okay sweetie, a man in town said your human bought one of these soaps, do either of these smell familiar?

The little Fighting type had perked up, but somewhat nervously at the mention of his previous trainer, and then he looked suspicious.

We’re going to try and find your human for you. I need to know which smell she was using so we can find her,” Mina repeated gently. “Here.” She squirted a little of both soaps out onto her wrists for him to sniff.

He looked suspicious a moment longer but finally investigated the soap. By the time Mark reappeared the baby Pokémon was barking excitedly at the Sandalwood.

I think this is it,” Mina informed Mark, showing him the label before giving him back the soap bottles. “Are you all set now?

Spoiler: Inventory Updates

-6 Premium Fighting-type Baby Pokéchow
-Empty Bottle

+6 Premium Fighting-type Baby Pokéchow



Whirlywhirly indicates the Pokéball.