I've almost played through all of Horizon: Forbidden West and whilst picking apart machine animals with my arrows is fun, oof, it's a big game. That's not a bad thing, but I do feel the need to play something different now and may commit the sin of not doing all the sidequests and collecting all quest related collectibles. On the one hand I do want to listen to that last black box, on the other hand I don't feel like exploring what remains of the map to find it.

Spoiler: Far Zenith
I've met Tilda and I'm just a little disappointed there wasn't a stroopwafel on the breakfast table. Saving The Night Watch is nice and all, but no stroopwafels? Tsk, so this is what 1000 years of immortality does to a Dutch person.

Also, it occurs to me she may well be the person responsible for the signal that woke up Hades. They had to hastily abandon their colony in Sirius with only a few of them making it to their ship and she seems to be the techie among them. There's potential for a dramatic revelation here later on.