Arnold speaks up again, despite himself and his wife's glare. "But the two percent," he asks, "what are we waiting for... if the Wytch is gone?"

(OOC: Outside of wrapping this conversation up, happy to move things on. I think your goal is to do some investigative book reading, so I'm happy to skip past further conversations with other NPCs and allow you to do some "research", which will likely revolve around a Resolve + Academics roll. So along with closing up the above, what do you want Jen specifically reading into?)

************************************************** ****

Frank's reply creates an immediate and palpable shift in his companion's demeanor. As the story continues, the color drains from Levi's face, and though his expression barely shifts, all his casual levity turns to stone. In the pauses between the story, Frank can hear the almost wheezing heavy breathing as he passes air with slow breaths in and out of his flaring nostrils. Frank almost gets the sense that Julius Levi is going to reach across the table and slap him, as Frank keeps talking.

Then the waitress comes with the oysters, setting them down, oblivious to the tension. The plate of ice and shell fish almost sparkles in the dim light. With a bored rote tone, she names each of the oysters and where they are from, in where they are along the rim of the plate. Levi doesn't look up, his eyes glued to Frank. He raises a quavering hand and waves her away.

Still staring at Frank, the man reaches to the plate, and with a meaty hand, clutches up an oyster. Without any ceremony and without anything to dress it, Levi slurps the thing down in one go, and places the shell on the table cloth in front of him. "And what happened to The Wytch? You are talking about this all as if there is an end to your story... but here you are alive."