Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanhomer View Post
Has anyone ever put butter in coffee? Because the other day I had an interesting conversation with one of the Starbucks baristas near my house about it. If you recall my mentioning about the olive oil in coffee at the last Random Banter Thread.
I know some people hate the idea but it's never bothered me -- what is butter, if not cream that's gotten itself all worked up?

I've had it a few times from relatives who swore by it at the time (fad thing, didn't last for them). It was okay -- interesting mouthfeel, and I can see how some people would like it. At the time, they insisted on its health benefits but I'm convinced that's a meaningless distinction and the only reason to do it is for the taste/experience.

I do love the name. "Bulletproof coffee." Helluva fad name, I gotta give them credit.

Quote Originally Posted by BisectedBrioche View Post
Ah, this is interesting. There's an ongoing debate (stretched out over the decades) in the UK over if you add milk or tea to the cup first (naturally some styles of tea call for brewing within the mug, making the point moot), with arguments ranging from how it affects the resulting drink, to the risk of shattering fine china.
I won't weigh in on its effects on brewing, but I can definitely sympathize with the fear of a shatter-worthy temperature fluctuation. Ever since I broke a plate microwaving a frozen donut as a kid, I've felt hyperaware of the temperature in every glass or ceramics container I use in the kitchen.

Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
I don't even drink this crazy concoction but obviously it's tea first, then milk. You always add acid to water, never the reverse. This is basic chemistry!
Listen, Peelee, I know it's our patriotic duty to dunk on tea (or, preferably, dunk tea in the harbor), but you gotta lay off the "hot leaf juice" schtick.

The Brits, I think we can handle -- it's the Dragon of the West I'm worried about.