Won a somewhat anticlimactic Seal victory in Age of Wonders 4 wolf game. I had figured once I pulled ahead on Seal points my ally would declare war on me, but instead they were happy to play second fiddle. Everyone else was at war with me, but they were weak and far away so I completely ignored them. By endgame unless somebody can show up with 3 stacks of maxed out dudes they just don't matter.

Continuing my heavy handed theming, now I'm on to a dragon leading an army of lizard people who ride velociraptors. Later I'll turn the lizards into dragon-lizard hybrids. Dragon leaders are a lot of fun, particularly early game where, well, you start with a giant dragon. Enjoyably they get their own custom dragon skill tree, so you can give them a tail whip ability, improve and alter their breath weapon, etc. To balance this you can't equip most items, but since all your other heroes are normal humanoids, you just give all the good stuff to them.

The velociraptor mounts are fun, they make your cavalry immune from opportunity attacks. So now my knights can charge from enemy to enemy without penalty. That's right, I'm a dragon leading knights. Dragon knights to be specific.