Quote Originally Posted by Amnestic View Post
If I enchant a magic item in my wizard's tower, it's magic, but if I enchant it in a 'lab' in the exact same way, it's tech?

Sounds like wizards spellbooks are tech then, as are all magic items.

Didn't know every D&D setting was so high tech before, but the more you know...
The difference between tech and magic is perspective. A commoner doesn't understand how a wizard conjures a fire elemental or constructs a tower out of thin air, so to them it's magic. The wizard does understand, to the wizard it's tech. A wizard's tower is a laboratory, it's where the wizard studies the physics of "the weave" (or other forces, depending on setting).
Even in this thread the answer to "what is magic in your setting" is "it's physics". Any sufficiently advanced technology is magic, and as a corollary, any sufficiently understood magic is science.