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Thread: Benefits of being big

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Default Re: Benefits of being big

    In regards to weapon sizes, it certainly talks about large or larger creatures adding extra dice to their weapons in the DMG but as none of the player enlargement options say anything about that, you will at the very least need to talk to the DM about it. As a DM I'm usually pretty chill but I wouldn't allow a spell like enlarge or a feature like giant's havoc to add more dice in addition to (or even instead of) the listed damage increases. I might be willing to consider the player looting or crafting a large weapon that does that. I'd definitely be willing to have giant sized improvised weapon take on the stats of a huge maul or greatclub or similar though, for example if a huge player picked up a tree he could use that as a 3d8 greatclub, or if a gargantuan player picked up a building that might be considered a maul that does 8d6.

    I'm not really looking for in depth discussion on the weapon rules though, let's just take it as understood that there are rules for big weapons but they'll need DM input. I'm more interested in your takes on what sort of more creative or cool things being giant would enable you to do. For example I mentioned using buildings and trees as improvised weapons. Another thing that might be considered is getting a bite and swallow attack (just going full attack on titan with it). Perhaps bodyslamming enemies that are 2 sizes or more smaller than you would do a lot of damage and automatically pin them. What are some other things to try?
    Last edited by kingcheesepants; 2024-05-09 at 12:35 AM.