I'm not the biggest fan, no. I don’t hate initiative shenanigans per se but making it daze you is just asking for somebody to run around looking for daze immunity and suddenly becoming twice as active. (And yes, I gave Celerity-likes to the homebrew Fighter I made, including the daze loophole, but that was mostly out of a "good for the goose, good for the gander" mindset.) If I had my druthers Celerity would eat your later action without a way to resist it. And even then they're really just kind of spotlight stealers. Oh, you thought you were going to have your turn but it was I, Dio! You probably already have an at least passable init score as a wizard so it's just going even firster somehow in normal rounds, and in surprise rounds it doesn't even work (as Biffoniacus_Furiou noted already).