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Thread: Exotic species aren't so exotic, eh?

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Default Re: Exotic species aren't so exotic, eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Samurai View Post
    My guess is it's a pet peeve of PG Macer's because it gives the impression that the player can choose any race so long as there is an explanation, as opposed to making it more clear that the setting has certain restrictions and they should speak with their DM about selecting a race not normally found in the setting.
    Oh okay. Well then, that's different than how I read their post. My bad.

    Carry on then.

    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    No, the player is being a jerk.

    You also forgot to finish the conversation.
    DM: "The DMG says DM is master of rules. DM rule is No Warforged on Krynn. If that's a deal breaker for you, sorry, I am sure there is a DM somewhere who will be happy to include your Warforged PC into their campaign.
    If you still want to play in this campaign, please select one of the races that exist and give it a whirl.
    And if you end up with buyer's remorse, you can respec your PC up to the end of level 4."

    Also, PHB page 6 says DMs word is final on setting and lore.
    "Player: Actually, this is a tinkergnome named Thadwitzit whose great life work was building this metal automaton suit of armor for helping his people in mining and exploration. Sadly, because he's a tinkergnome, it only kind of worked and he got trapped inside then buried in a mine collapse. he died a long time ago, but years later, when the other gnomes dug up the armor, it was somehow automated as if by the spirit of Thadwitzit. Now he wanders the earth in his metal form, the decayed skeleton of his former self still strapped into the cockpit in the chest, trying to figure out who he really is. "

    "DM: Oh, okay then."
    Last edited by Wintermoot; 2024-05-09 at 11:37 AM.