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Thread: [IC] Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

  1. - Top - End - #857
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Dr.Samurai's Avatar

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    ICU, under a cherry tree.

    Default Re: [IC] Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

    Astral Elf Armorer Artificer 10
    AC: 23 | HP: 103/103 | THP: 0/10 | Initiative: +2
    Str: +1 | Dex: +2 | Con: +7 | Int: +9 | Wis: +2 | Cha: -1
    PPer: 16 | PInv: 19 | PIns: 12
    Spell Slots: 1st: 2/4 | 2nd: 0/3 | 3rd: 0/2
    Flash of Genius: 3/5
    Active Effects: Breathe any Environ, Adv vs Harmful Gases/Vapors
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Starlight Step: 2/4
    Repulsion Shield: 4/4
    Spell-Refueling Ring: 0/1
    Defensive Field: 0/4

    Asha fights alongside Bori to finish off the wights within the wall of fire. He then moves toward Zinro to protect him from arrow attacks.

    Spoiler: Turn 2

    Movement - If Wight 30 is alive, move up 1 square to attack Wight 30. If Wight 30 is dead, stay in place.
    Action - Attack Wight 30 (or Wight 15 if 30 is dead)
    [roll=Attack 1]1d20+11[roll] 21 rolled in OOC
    Thunder - (1d8+7)[13]
    [roll=Extra Attack]1d20+11[roll] 22 rolled in OOC
    Thunder - (1d8+7)[13]
    Movement - Move to same row as Zinro to provide cover to Zinro from Wight arrow attacks.
    Last edited by Dr.Samurai; 2024-05-10 at 07:54 AM.