Quote Originally Posted by Errorname View Post
I am torn on this because Nale's current ending is so excellent and having him come back in any form would really undermine it, but it also feels like an easy way to have Sabine get some back-up for her final play that also brings the story full circle so it makes a lot of sense.

For what it's worth I had the same objections about Crystal and her second death was also pretty satisfying, so I'm sure if Rich did it he could make it work.

I am not arguing against Roy and Xykon having a final showdown, that's an extremely safe prediction.

But I don't see any reason it has to be at the Astral Fortress. It's not like Rich has to work around someone else's setting choices, he has complete control over the final dungeon and what the arena will look like, and the Snarl being a reality warper gives him even more options. His previous one-on-one duels were constructed in such a way that they felt extremely natural. He built the story around getting Roy into places where he could fight on top of an undead dragon or in a gladiatorial arena or against his best friend in a temple at the summit of a mountain.

I don't really see any of that logistical work for bringing the final showdown to the Astral Fortress and I don't see the need. There is nothing of value plot-wise at the astral fortress, it's frankly way less dramatic than a fight at the final gate or in the unraveling threads of the creation.
I do not disagree. I only wish to recall that before the dramatic ending of the Godsmoot, there was no plot-relevant reason to go to Firmament. Before Durkon got vamped, if anyone would have suggested Firmament was on the list of plot-relevant locations they would have met with similar arguments.

As of now there is no reason to go to the Astral Fortress. Things will change. Will they change in such a way that The Astral Fortress becomes a necessary stop? I don't know. But I know that one could cherry pick postings on this forum about what The Giant would not do, only to see it done!