Quote Originally Posted by InAction View Post
Those are some neat ideas. Not personally interested myself, but if the floor is still open I'd like to throw a pitch out there. Admittedly, I don't have much of a solid idea behind it but... Well I've been feeling in a kind of Warcraft mood as of late. So playing in a Warcraft-based campaign sounds really appealing to me. And there were those Warcraft/WoW d20 RPG books, which is pretty much 3rd edition, eh?
Sadly I don't know enough about the Azeroth to make a meaningful story or game in it. I played wow for days at most (literally), and most of my knowledge comes from playing RoC and TFT, as well as reading associated handbooks that came with them.

Quote Originally Posted by GentlemanVoodoo View Post
Ideally I was working on something similar to your trial of the gods idea but doing this in the period of the Forgotten Realms's Times of Troubles (were all gods were stripped of their divine ranks). The players (roughly level 20) are individuals whom have been given the godspark to potentially be the next generation of deities. Though their advancement would be based on adherence to their portfolio's/domains and amassing followers. This was for 5th edition which is the one I am most familiar with. But in essence the point of such a game was to explore what it means to be a god, responsibilities of having the divine, and consequences there in.
That would possibly be a fun game, but I wasn't looking for something so high in level. That said, I've got a few here and there saying they would be interested, perhaps we could actually get a 10 man together and run Amonkhet. Who knows?

Quote Originally Posted by SCARY WIZARD View Post
Seconding this, and also making this face: 🥺 for added manipulation.
HA! Jokes on you, I don't recognize, understand, or comprehend emojis, in the slightest. To quote Lrrr, leader of the planet Omicron Persei 8, "they confuse and enrage me!"