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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: afroakuma's Planar And Other Oddities Questions Thread VIII

    So this question is a bit of a weird one. I don’t normally come in here at all, but I figured I’d ask.
    Dead By Daylight, the 1v4 competitive horror game, has just teased a Dungeons & Dragons crossover. Commentators suspect that Barovia’s Strahd might be involved, or ‘perfect’. What say you?

    For context, the framing of Dead By Daylight is that an eldritch horror known only as The Entity has stolen a bunch of slasher/horror film killers and victims into its dark fog (including such hits as Halloween’s Laurie Strode and The Shape, A Nightmare on Elm Street’s The Nightmare, Alien’s Ellen Ripley and The Xenomorph, Stranger Things’s Nancy and Steve and The Demogorgon, and many more, including original creations and the man himself Nicolas Cage) and pits them against each other in trials on custom grounds constructed from the memories of these participants (such as Lampkin Lane, Badham Preschool, the wreck of the Nostromo, and Hawkins laboratories) to wring strong emotional responses out of them (the thrill of escape from the survivors and the thrill of the kill from the killer, the despair and agony of being sacrificed on meathooks or slaughtered by the killer’s hand, or whatever The Entity can wring out of a failed killer.

    Just how perfect would any given D&D element fit in such a game? I’m largely unfamiliar with official D&D settings outside of Eberron (by choice, playing almost exclusively in original settings), so I’m wondering which directions the company making Dead By Daylight, BHVR, is likely to take a killer from D&D, given that they don’t kid around with their lore expansions for licensed characters and have done some deep cuts.

    If nothing else, which established villains would make the best slashers?
    Hopefully this is acceptable use of the thread. Apologies if not. Just looking for an expert’s take.

    Edit: Okay, it was just Vecna, and they threw in some bards. A beholder was not featured at all in the material I saw.
    Last edited by Powerdork; 2024-05-14 at 04:01 PM.
    The future is bright.