Quote Originally Posted by Manga Shoggoth View Post
Low. I'm more inclined to think that they'll sort out Mechanicsberg, play the "now that's sorted we can try and find Higgs", have some long adventure where they get hints of a revolt happening in Skifander, and ends with them turning up on the Skifander doorstep to see Higgs sitting on a pile of Priestess skulls amd saying "what kept you?". Cue happy three happy (hopefully) reunions and the reveal (or not) of Gil and Zeetha's relationship. (Klaus knows, I think Zeetha has figured it out, but I don't think Gil has twigged yet)
Klaus certainly knows that Gil has a sister, but there's no proof he knows it's Zeetha. As for Zeetha, she should have figured it out, but she's not really one for making logical deductions.