
Twilight Cleric of Damh
AC: 18 HP: 41/ 41 THP: 10
PP: 17 PIv: 11 PIs: 17
Concentrating on:
6 / 6 d8 HD
Spell Slots- 1st: 4/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 3/3; channel 3/3

Bil arches an eyebrow when the scholar speaks so dismissively of music. He gestures to the symbol of pan pipes emblazoned on his shield.
“Music is the language of the soul. It expresses the truths we’ve not named and ecstasies of our hearts.

That is hardly dreck.

If your library has not a single reference to a planar staircase or a holy mountain, it must be smaller than I was led to believe. Perhaps we should review your catalog again?”

This is said with a grin, as a friendly challenge to the scholar.
Spoiler: ooc