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Thread: OOTS #1302 - The Discussion Thread

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1302 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by BloodSquirrel View Post
    What I am certain they didn't do was immediately make injured soldiers who were in the middle of combat run an obstacle course, shoot at targets, and spar against uninjured soldiers while carefully recording their performance metrics and comparing them to a control group.
    "Okay, Bob, can you please hold still for a couple of minutes? Sorry about the bleeding... We just need you to run a few exercises. But first, we need to glue about a hundred little bright-green balls all over you for motion capture. Oops, we'll have to be careful of that arm. No, we still need to glue the balls all over it, the data analysis gets all wonky if the balls are missing... Allllmost done... Sorry, Bob, gotta do this right away or it doesn't count, wouldn't want to waste the opportunity, heh heh! Uh, could you please try to bleed away from me? Thanks. Now, you see Doug over there, with the little orange balls? You're gonna run an obstacle course against him, then a bit of target shooting, then you'll wrap things up with some sparring together. Ready?"
    Last edited by bunsen_h; 2024-05-12 at 11:20 AM.