Quote Originally Posted by gbaji View Post
But not by looting the goods off of random people traveling along a road, right?

Come to think of it, that would be a pretty interesting campaign to run though. The party is a low level group of bandits, trying to make a living in the world. Have to figure out which folks to attack, and when/where (and how lethal they choose to be), then deal with evading and/or defeating any law enforcement types, gaining notariety perhaps, dealing with competition, thieving middlemen, etc. Hmm.... I'm pretty sure I could make that interesting and challenging.

Knowing me and my penchant for giving PCs heroic opportunties though, I'd probably eventually introduce some kind of evil folks moving in and have their bandit group get involved in that at some point. I just don't see a high end ramp up for basic bandits. At some point, they will either get caught/killed or move on to bigger things. Even Robin Hood eventually either gets stomped or inspires/leads an uprising against the Sheriff, right?
That sounds like a fun campaign. Although probably not a D&D campaign with the way characters scale up. It feels to me more like a WFRP campaign to me.