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Thread: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Nolwenn shakes her head at Ondros's reluctance to return to the tower. "No, we need to at least try," she says resolutely, "it's too risky to leave alone. Even as remote as we are, if this thing can extend its influence into the water, there's no way we can tell how far it could send its minions. I will not stand quietly by while another Mbala potentially happens." It's clear, though, from a slight crack in her voice that what she saw in the mesa village is still quite a wound on the young wizard. "I can ask about drowning, though. However, I'm not optimistic about the answer, she didn't even know she was underwater until we brought her to the surface."

    "And yes," Nolwenn turns to Red, "I like that. If it works, it will at least wound it badly. How about the cold, though? I was barely able to get two levels down before it was dangerous to go further, and I don't doubt that you and Ondros are more capable--"she lets their difference in size and strength speak for itself"--but that wasn't even halfway down to where the worm is."

    Leaving that question for her fellow adventurers, Nolwenn turns her attention back to the hellym. "Okay, a couple more questions," she announces, then holds up a single finger for her first one, which she feels will be the easier to convey of the two. The wizard utilizes her illusions and the bucket again, making an image of the barbsnare, putting it into the bucket where it's visible beneath the water, then miming holding it there before moving it out and having it lie, unmoving. She presents this to the hellym and gives her a hopeful shrug. "Could this work?"

    The second question is a little more difficult to convey. First, she approaches the woman and points to her then sets her other hand at about where her head would be if she were standing. "You are one hellym," she says, holding up a single finger Next, she points to the sitting woman again, lowers her hand to about 8 inches lower. "But there was a second; you had a younger companion," she continues, "back at the tower, before the disaster." She makes an illusion of the tower to help convey this.

    But then she realizes this could be easier. Nolwenn waves her hands in a 'start over' gesture. This time, she conjures an illusory copy of the hellym and raises a single finger. "You, one." Then, she adds a second copy, only shorter. For this one, though, she cycles through about a half dozen different looks, though she tries to keep them close enough to be kin. She points at this one and raises two fingers. "The wizard's books,"--she points to one of the journals--"mentioned another of your kind. What happened to them?" She waits and listens, hoping that the woman's talking through her thoughts will give her something to pounce on.
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2024-05-12 at 07:53 PM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.