Finished reading The Expanse last week. Overall liked it, even if it did drag on in places (Books 5, 6 and a lot of 7 could've been trimmed down), but was still a compelling read. Characters were quite well done, and interesting. Would've liked more of the weird alien bits over the humans are bastards to each other, yet again, and still. Particularly with how interesting the alien bits were.

To give myself a sci-fi break, read through The Cabin at the End of the World. Which is a wildly tense ride of a book. Purposely ambiguous on some points, but that just makes it all the more thought provoking. Not an emotionally easy read, but definitely worth a look if you like thrillers.

Now I'm onto Endymion, and my only complaint is not having read this sooner in my life. Very glad I have a copy of Rise of Endymion, cause I'll be starting that soon as I finish this one.