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Thread: Perils of the Ashenwood OOC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Re: Perils of the Ashenwood OOC

    Good questions, and sorry if I wasn’t clear in my previous post, I was steamrolled and falling asleep by the time I finished writing it.

    Argentais is the equivalent of Common here, and everyone has a choice of whether they want to speak proper, courtly Argentais or the hick version, Argentais d’Chemin. (Except perhaps Punk, who probably wouldn’t have been exposed to courtly Argentais, and likely grew up speaking Argentais d’Chemin in all its scruffy glory.) But everyone will be able to communicate normally in some version of Argentais, so no worries on that score.

    As for Falgarra, since she’s Dhaoine Caoineadh, her mother tongue is Dhaoine Cànain, which is “Dwarven” for her. She can choose either the Cynetunge (the other “Dwarven”) or Sylvan as a bonus language. And yes, she can definitely speak Argentais d’Chemin, since most travelers through the Hills will speak the hick version.

    Last edited by Palanan; 2024-05-13 at 01:07 PM.