Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
I wouldn't go anywhere not "PG-13 Rated" at my table anyway, but that's good advice.
I have heard this a lot, but I never quite got what people meant by it.

Like, film is a visual medium, so it is totally different, as the level of detail between telling and showing is pretty severe. For example, you can say "they had sex" or "he was ripped to shreds by wild dogs" in a PG-13 movie, but you can't generally show it.

I have never described a sex scene in my game more graphic than what you would see in a PG-13 James Bond movie.

I have had lots of violence that would warrant an R rating, gruesome or horrifying monsters that would warrant an R rating, and non-sexual nudity that would warrant an R rating, but never explicit sex.

But that doesn't seem to be the issue?

When people say they want things "PG-13" are they saying they want a world without sex? Where people get married and then spend their wedding night staring at the ceiling and then nine months later a stork drops a baby down the chimney?

Or are they saying they expect all the PCs to be playing asexual characters who exist in a world with sex but never partake in it themselves?

Or are they saying that the innuendo is too much? Like, you can take the princess' hand in marriage or spent the night carousing in the bad part of town, but can never make any mention of what actually happened next?

I play a lot of western games, and the idea that there are whore houses is pretty ubiquitous as set dressing, and an occasional plot point. Is this crossing the line into R territory? I remember one time I had a super religious player and he got really bent out of shape that one of the other PCs visited a whorehouse for information; but as usual didn't say anything until well after the game was over.