Quote Originally Posted by Devils_Advocate View Post
Not that you specified a system, but I don't think that real-world religious beliefs are commonly incorporated into fictional universes outside of D&D and its knockoffs. I think that it's more typical to get religions clearly inspired by real life faiths, but adapted to the setting and not called the by the same names as the originals.
Speculative fiction in general and roleplaying games in particular rip off real myths and religion about as often as not. D&D is a trend setter for games in both regards: early D&D merrily appopriated dozens of sources just like its inspiring fiction had, then some people took offense to that and TSR adopted a policy of "no real gods or religion, promise!" for a while. TSR was never good at sticking to this, so the earlier trend never really went away, we just got more "totally original god, do not steal!" from the deal. TSR and its policies are long dead, but the legacy lives on in policies of other entities.