Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
Giving a bonus to something is a lot different than inflicting a status effect that you're immune to.

If casting a spell leaves you stunned, but you are immune to stunning, casting the spell does nothing to you. Same here.
Does Undeath to Death not work because it works like Circle of Death, which is a death effect? Does Revive Outsider not work because it works like Raise Dead which specifically says it does not work on outsiders? If something says that it is affected by something it should be immune to, then it is affected. Nothing has a higher priority on what should affect a creature than the creature's own statblock (except another effect saying something of the effect of "it isn't affected even if it should be" or "even immune creatures are affected"). "The elemental gets stunned" is as clear as you can be.

If you think it is a dysfunction, then okay, you are free to rule against it in your games, or to post about it on the dysfunction thread. I personally do not consider normalization failures to be dysfunctions when the intent is clear, but you do you.