Quote Originally Posted by Segev View Post
It is also worth noting that if you don't want to deal with it, you can hand-wave "perfect success" and let the players move on, content that they have done their good deed in social engineering. No need to monkey's paw it; they come back and find the Bullywugs are happily living with their elected President or whatnot, still being Bullywugs, otherwise. No need to dwell on it.

It's only worth complicating it if you and/or your players want to keep being involved with the Bullywugs and make their developing democracy a definite part of your ongoing campaign.
This, with a side of what Monochrome Tiger said.

If you WANT politics and democracy and all that to be part of the campaign, then work it in.
If you don't, then let it succeed without too much hassle, or let it fail and tell the players OOC that they cannot, within the space of the adventure, succeed.

If you do go "It's not timely to be able to do it," think a little on what kinda epilogue the Bullywugs might get-if a character is still interested in helping them after the immediate adventure, let them do so.