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    Titan in the Playground
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    Oct 2011

    Default Re: IC Rise of the Grand Admiral - Episode I - Finishing the Fight

    Outside the tank

    The party, including the droid, dives for whatever cover they can find as the tank swerves sharply, causing the enemy blaster cannons and lasers to miss and blow chunks out of the walkway and the debris scattered around. The droids have reformed ranks into two groups and they continue to advance and open fire at the group, but everyone is well hunkered down and nobody is struck. The hijacked tank advances towards the enemy, but if you want to move with it, you will likely open yourself up to enemy blaster fire.

    "Are we shooting or waiting until they get closer??" the lone clone holed up with you on the walkway asks as he hefts his heavy blaster rifle.


    B-1 Squad - full health. - 32 squares
    B-2 Squad - full health. - 32 squares
    Enemy Tank - 50 squares
    Hijacked tank - 6 squares

    Inside the Tank

    The clones follow your lead and open up on the enemy tank as best they can despite not having trained on vehicle weapons:

    Heavy laser cannon:
    (1d20)[12] (miss)
    6d10x2(6d10) (6d10)[50]

    light blaster cannon:
    (1d20)[6] (miss)
    2d10x2 (2d10)[14]

    And the enemy tank continues to sit by the corner of the central pillar and fire on you:

    Heavy Laser Cannon:
    Attack Bonus: +4, Damage: 6d10x2

    Light Blaster Cannon:
    Attack Bonus: +4, Damage: 2d10x2
    (1d20+4)[9] (miss)

    Blaster Cannon
    Attack Bonus: +4, Damage: 3d10x2
    [roll]1d20+r[/roll] (hit, 20 roll in OOC, will be net 17 damage if not negated by vehicular combat)
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2024-05-14 at 06:06 AM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig