December 5th
Mall Walking
Louis and Raphael
Iris looks at Louis for half a second too long before taking his phone and putting in her number.

While she’s focused on that, Ryker chances another glance at his ex-girlfriend, examining the extent on the injuries that she’s covered up. His jaw clenches as he attempts to restrain his fury. “Aria,” he starts to say before looking for the right words to say. “We’ll get this figured out.”

Iris meets his gaze and blinks a few times as her eyes get glassy. She nods before returning Louis’ phone.

“Well here,” she says as she motions for Keith to follow her. “We can go find the series together. I think I remember where they are.”

She walks past several shelves and eventually finds the correct books. Hope hands him the first in the series and picks up the fourth one for herself.

She shrugs as Keith asks about school. “I took a few online courses, but I’ve been working full time for the last year or so. I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do, and it seemed like a waste of money and time to not have a plan.”

Providence, RI
Emi smiles over at John. “Oh, that would be helpful, especially if you’re willing to transport people through as well. Maybe Seraph and Harbinger can come, since we could come right back if something happens.”

The slightest narrowing of Mr. Shaw’s eyes causes Emi to drop the subject.

She gives her father a small, apologetic smile. “We can make the plans later, of course. I’ll let everyone know in a week or two.”

I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Shaw replies to Kate. I, like all of you, have attempted to be on my best behavior tonight. Emi cares deeply about your brother, and all of you here, so I wanted to get to know all of you as well.

Your mother had been trying to have me spend this evening as Alistair Shaw instead of Eidolon, which helps as well.