Trellara follows the others into the other room.

Use action to dash.


Leif Fochlucan
Tiefling Wildfire Druid 7
AC: 17 | HP: 50/57
Spell Slots: 1st: 2/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 2/3 | 4th: 1/1
Spells Prepared:
1st - Burning Hands, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Absorb Elements, Entangle, Faerie Fire
2nd - Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Enhance Ability, Pass Without Trace, Spike Growth, Lesser Restoration
3rd - Fireball, Revivify, Sleet Storm, Dispel Magic
4th - Aura of Life, Fire Shield, Polymorph

Wildshapes: 2/2
Spell Refueling Ring: 1/1
Active Effects: Emerald Ring (takes half of Polina's damage for her)
Conditions: None

Leif follows behind Paul and the others, entering the other room.

Use action to dash.