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Thread: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    DAY 2
    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Morning

    As you silently approach the southern portion of Vraath Keep, your keen eyes and honed senses guide you through the dense underbrush. You move with the fluidity and grace characteristic of your elven heritage, ensuring each step is placed with precision to avoid any noise.

    The haunted tower looms ahead, partially in ruins with sections of stonework collapsed. Ivy clings to the remnants of the structure, and the air around it feels noticeably cooler. To the left of the tower, you spot the breach in the keep's wall—a gaping hole where the stone has been violently displaced, creating an entry point into the courtyard.

    The breach is large, with jagged edges of stone that tell of some past destruction. Moss and vines have begun to reclaim the rubble, making the breach appear as if the forest itself is slowly pulling the keep back into its grasp. The ground leading up to the breach is uneven and cluttered with debris, forcing you to pick your way carefully.

    As you reach the breach, you crouch low, blending seamlessly into the shadows. You peer through the gap, your eyes adjusting to the dimmer light inside the courtyard. The courtyard of Vraath Keep is a stark contrast to the overgrown wilderness outside. It is a large, open space with patches of grass and weeds sprouting through cracks in the cobblestones.

    Directly ahead, you see the main structure of the keep, its stone walls towering above you. Several windows are visible, some dark and others faintly glowing with the light of torches or lanterns within. The courtyard itself is littered with remnants of old battles—broken weapons, shattered shields, and scorch marks on the stone.

    To your left, near the base of the haunted tower, you notice a cluster of barrels and crates, likely supplies for those currently inhabiting the keep. The area around them is well-trodden, indicating frequent use. To your right, a weathered stone well stands, its surface covered in creeping moss.

    The entire scene is eerily silent, save for the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. There is no immediate sign of movement, but the signs of recent activity are unmistakable. The air feels charged with an unspoken tension, and you sense that you are not alone.

    Carefully, you take in every detail, committing the layout and notable features of the courtyard to memory. This breach provides a clear, if precarious, entry point into Vraath Keep, and the information you gather here could prove invaluable for the group's next steps.


    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-05-23 at 01:13 PM.

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