"Yes," Feiya quips, " 'goblins' aren't on the map, so I guess looking for physical evidence of goblins is the best we can do."

After an hour of Ranghen looking around with Ziggy's help, they find scant evidence ... scant, but present ... that are smaller humanoids moving about, despite an effort of hiding their tracks as they go. The direction of the tracks is southwest, following the treeline. The party follows the trackers. After a little over a mile, their appears to be a cave opening on the western slopes of a low ridge in the Churlwood. Lush and prickly blackberry vines creep across every surface and obscure the dark mouth of the cave if viewed from a long distance, but the stale smell of goblin sweat and the sight of smoke drifting up from the cave entrance makes locating the opening easily enough. Finally, you are there.

Thick blackberry vines grow from the ground here and sneak up the walls of a ridge. Among the thorny vines, curls of smoke waft up from a cave entrance.

"We will need what lights you may offer, much as before at Roderic's Wreck," says Bořek.