Damien's plan solidified, the party donned their disguises and made their way into the next chamber. As the large doors opened, Damien and Kate could feel a physical static wave trickle across their skin as the null zone was activated and took hold. For Oracle, it was a bit more jarring -- the arcane forces that had roiled inside of her since she was twelve, back when her powers first began to awaken, were suddenly and almost violently ripped away from her, as though half of the blood and tissue that made up her innards had suddenly vanished. She felt heady and nauseous for a moment, and then almost suppressed, like she couldn't breathe, and for the briefest of moments she had to fight back a panic attack.

Fortunately, she'd trained for this, and a fair bit of concentration allowed her to keep her composure. Eventually, her senses became a bit more used to the sudden, gaping, absence, and she had her wits about her once more. Still, it felt a little strange moving through the room, almost like she was walking through water -- slowed, yet lighter at the same time.

There were rows of cages along the inner entrance, and as the room opened up further in, they could see it was lined with several dozen large, stand-alone cages along each walled surface. Some other cages dangled near the perimeter from thick iron chains, as though the doppelgangers had acquired so many captives they had been forced to start creating overflow room. There were several long wooden ladders against one wall, underscoring the temporary need and explaining access to the hanging cages. Still, most of the captives were in the floor level cells, huddled against each other in the dank darkness. The room was mostly lit by a large wooden chandelier affixed with both candles and flickering torches, with some smudged and smoke-smeared mirrors in the ceiling to help -- weakly -- illuminate some of the darker areas in the room. There were two groups of guards inside, neither particularly interested in the newcomers entering their midst. Two men sat huddled on some low-slung wooden chairs, hunched towards each other, haggling over something and passing a cigar of devilweed back and forth. A few more were sitting on modified half barrels-***-chairs around a similarly modified looking table, this with it's own candelabra on it. They were playing cards, and drinking. There were four of them.

"Put the new deliveries in one of the hangers." someone muttered in the party's general direction, without looking up.

Before reacting, Kate happened to turn her head to the right, and came to find herself staring almost face to face with Liane's "Family". The captive bards -- who looked identical to the facsimiles they'd taken out in the Bards' Guild dormitories -- were huddled close together to comfort one another, but stared back at her with a mixture of fear and anger.

Spoiler: OOC
Okay, no alarms raised yet, you're about halfway into the room, so maybe 30-40 feet between you and the door, another 40-50 feet to the other side of the room, though a chunk of that space is taken up by cells. So far, no one has really looked at you closely enough to see through the charade. If you want to make a move, now's the time.