Snow and Hawk join Blaze and Joanna in completing the preparations for the summoning rite. Joanna's initiation will start with the summoning of Sagrim-Ur, or at least The Red Wolf's avatar. They build a circle on the band's practice stage, drawn in chalk but decorated with bits of broken mirror, lit candles, and a hodge-podge of canine teeth that Hawk says they keep for just such an occasion. The circle is big enough for an adult man to lie down in, into which Snow lays down a massive red wolf's pelt.

Nearby, the wolf blooded watch in silent amusement. Justin is kind enough to offer to help, but Hawk makes it clear that only the Uratha can be involved in this rite.

When the preparations are completed, Blaze dims the lights in the factory, though afternoon light still spills in from the warehouse's high windows. Joanna is instructed to strip, and kneel down on the pelt in the middle of the circle. Hawk explains that normally with a summoning, a Gathra is left in the circle to entice the arrival of the targeted spirit, and tonight Joanna will be that Gathra. This brings a vicious little grin to the woman's face. Then Snow, Blaze and Hawk take hands standing outside of the circle behind Joanna, and Hawk speaks, her voice low and rumbling in the First Tongue, filling the warehouse as if she were using one of Kara's mics.

"Hear me now brothers and sisters, for I have a story to tell, and this one is true. Our ancestors participated in the killing of Father Wolf, when he was too old to lead. Mother Luna cried for the death of her lover, and the Forsaken were scattered across the earth, and Shadow and Flesh were separated as were the many organs of Pangea.

"Our ancestors were hunted by spirit and flesh monster alike, yet Sagrim-Ur rejoiced, for she knew that nothing would be the same again. And change brings opportunity. So the Red Wolf wandered across the planes and deserts and swamps, often drawn by the piteous howls of a lone Uratha, mourning his loss and isolation. Sagrim-Ur would ask such Foresaken for their story. From his journeys Red Wolf learned that change was not always a blessing. And in exchange for their stories and their teaching, Sagrim-Ur would provide the scattered Uratha with this teaching, from which we Iron Masters take our Oath: 'Honor your territory in all things'. Sister, we ask you to join us in this oath and join our tribe. Do you accept?

When Joanna accepts, Hawk replies, "Then we call on Sagrim-Ur the Red Wolf to witness the trials of our sister and judge her worth." Blaze and Snow, knowing the Tribe's words of summoning, join Hawk in chanting, their voices echoing from the stage and through the halls of the Warehouse. The temperature inside the rises drastically. Despite her lack of clothing, Joanna can feel the hairs on her arms pile up, her skin turning flush as sweat begins to trickle from her brow and neck. Then there is a bang, like the slamming of a door, and all the candles around the circle go out. The fragments of glass begin to melt around the circle and the scattered teeth begin to glow and shake, chattering along the floor.

A red lupine figure appears in twilight above Joanna, at least twice the of the largest Gauru. The spirit is a all fire and fur, glowing in the half-light. It's voice is ancient and comes from everywhere, "Joanna of the Anchor Wolves, speak to me of how you shall prove your worth to me tonight!"