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    Default More 2024 PHB Revelations from the GameInformer Article

    Article here: https://gameinformer.mydigitalpublic...p=12&ver=html5

    There's already a thread on how Greyhawk was chosen to be the new sample setting for the 2024 DMG but there's a bunch of other stuff in the GameInformer article that I didn't see people discussing so I thought I'd pull out some of the other choice tidbits here. In no particular order:

    Spoiler: Spoiled for readability
    • Aasimar have been added as a core race. Assuming nobody was cut, that brings the final count of core races up to 10.
    • There will be 75 feats in the new PHB. Note that this is more than the 2014 PHB (42), Xanathar's (15) and Tasha's (15) combined.
    • Each class will get an iconic full-page art spread. (and all 48 subclasses will be illustrated as well.)
    • Tools will have actual rules / specific suggested actions you can perform with them now.
    • Confirmation that there will be brand new spells (the example one named in the article is "Tasha's Bubbling Cauldron."
    • Confirmation that there will be three brand-new subclasses in the PHB (Sea Druid, World Tree Barbarian, Dance Bard) with all the rest returning from either the prior PHB or a different existing book.
    • There will be new item-crafting rules in core, including rules to make scrolls.
    • Will contain a Lore Glossary that sheds light on the various references, shibboleths, and famous NPCs that have built up in the D&D lexicon over the years and across multiple settings, like what's the deal with these Harper folks and who this Venger guy is supposed to be.
    • The new MM will contain 500 monsters, an increase of ~200 over the 2014 MM. Of those, 75 are brand new creations, so the other 125 will be ported in from other books.
    • There will be new high-CR megathreats for higher level PCs to deal with on par with Ancient Dragons and the Tarrasque; the example they give in the article is a town-sized gelatinous cube called a Blob of Annihilation, a giant construct called an Elemental Juggernaut, and a super-vampire called a Nightbringer.
    • The pre-order date and price point for each book have been revealed (pre-orders open June 18, and the price point is set at $49.99.) The release dates remain at September for the PHB, November for the DMG, and February 2025 for the MM respectively.
    Last edited by Psyren; 2024-05-15 at 09:59 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    But really, the important lesson here is this: Rather than making assumptions that don't fit with the text and then complaining about the text being wrong, why not just choose different assumptions that DO fit with the text?
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