Lanius Collurio
Would Elf Gloomstalker 8 / Arcane Trickster 3
AC: 19 | HP: 8/87 | Initiative: +7
Spell Slots: 1st: 1/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 2/2
Passive Perception 20 | Passive Insight 16 | Passive Investigation 11
Favored Foe: 4/4
Active Effects: Blindsight 10ft, Long Strider (50ft walk/climb/swim), Pass without Trace
Conditions: Blind

Lanius felt the heat wash over him - he barely managed to use a cloak to cover his exposed flesh and use some magic to dampen the onslaught. Quickly he shot at the Balor some more and vanished along the wall and the ceiling.


Move up and along the ceiling, firing at balor and ending at 25 ft up behind the pillar at N12, 25ft up

(1d20+12)[13], (1d20+12)[14], (1d20+12)[23] damage (1d8+10)[12]
(1d20+12)[29], (1d20+12)[21], (1d20+12)[18] damage (1d8+10)[13]

(2d6)[9] Sneak attack

(1d20+23)[40]/(1d20+23)[34] Hide immediately after firing from M6, 25ft up
Spoiler: Roll templates

Roll templates for a smoother repost on smartphone
[roll]1d20+12[ /roll], damage [roll]1d8+10[ /roll]

if all hit [roll]1d8[ /roll]
Sneak attack [roll]2d6[ /roll]