Quote Originally Posted by halfeye View Post
I read most of the early Deverry series from the library, I have one, but I'd like to be sure the series is going somewhere before I go much further with it.
The "Silver Wyrm" series more or less ended that entire arc; Sword of Fire is set in the same world, centuries later, and there's some garbled mentions of political events, but you wouldn't know it without having read the previous series.

Quote Originally Posted by Rockphed View Post
I just started reading The Book of Three to my daughters. The older one is very curious about when somebody is going to be captured and when we are going to meet a princess. I haven't read the Prydain books for nigh on twenty years, so it is interesting rereading them as an adult. My biggest impression is that the main character is incredibly whiny (though, to be fair, he is like 10 in the first book).
I read that to mine a couple years ago; I think they were a bit young for it at the time. And Taran is very whiny, but I like the story overall.