Stavri is not massively stealthy although he does cloak the area in silence as he casts the spell. Oghash simple forces the heavy door open as Dakani hides in the background. The door beyond opens out onto the tower roof, a cool night breeze brings the fresh smell of the grasslands surrounding the keep although its nearly overwhelmed by the stench of bird guano. Dozens of small cages and perches host hundreds of sharp beaked and sharp eyed ravens and crows that turn to look, what should be a chorus of "caw caw" magically silenced.

Standing in the middle and turning in shock is an old man with a circle of lank white hair surrounding an gleaming bald pate. He wears a cast off and oft patched uniform coat from what must have been a regiment disbanded some 20 years in the past and a stout wooden cudgel doubles up as a walking stick and a club. He whirls around as the sound of the crows is cut off by the silent spell and hefts the club, part threatenin, partwarding.