The militiaman follows orders and cobbles together the instrument, curious about what exactly Sean plans to do with it. It’ll take him about 20 minutes of tinkering and testing, he guesses.

As for Sean’s questions;
The woman tells him the raiders use lighters, flares, and flashlights at night. They seem confident that no-one around will see the lights and attack. The Troubleshooters have flashlights and flares, too, not to mention one pair of NVGs.

The woman does not think the raiders have an above ground escape route besides simply temporarily disabling their outer defences. She’s never seen them exit the motel, anyway. They’re holed up there good, from what she knows.

She thinks they could call for backup on the radio, she does not know of any other raider outposts within 25 miles of the motel. So it could take over a hour for a response to show up. She thinks.

The woman and their comrades show Sean and his allies their bare skin. Nothing like a tattoo is on any of them, just scars, burns, bruises and animal bite marks. They’re clear. The Troubleshooters seem a little confused about the check.

No raiders are carrying a radio. Maybe they have only one?
(The friendly woman and her comrades have small radios for communicating with each other, if that’s what you mean.)

The woman expresses curiosity about Sean himself. What’s his story? Why did he contact The Troubleshooters? Who is he working for?