Sean does a fine job keeping an eye out in the journey over, although the way is thankfully under-guarded. The raiders seem to be relying on their sniper lookout for dissuading intruders and attackers, and so have not set up any more traps. They seem to be undermanned, too, seeing as they have no patrols on the streets around the motel.

Sean finds no man-shaped tracks around the block, which he chooses to interpret as a good sign. Animals are around, using the buildings as nests and hunting grounds, the circle of life going on with no regard for man’s conflicts.

Sean realises that the building 75 yards north-east of the motel IS a good spot for observation…but it’s also not a great place to stay, as it’s showing its age. It could fall apart if the fighting gets too heated.

Disaster strikes when Sean and his allies start to enter the building. Someone one jostles and trips in the shadows, and the NVGs fall, landing hard against a wall, breaking. The Troubleshooter makes a very angry face at the group. That’s one piece of valuable technology they can’t exploit now…