Quote Originally Posted by Kreistor View Post
There's more than one way to skin that cat.

Some have suggested Haley is an Aasimar or similar native outsider. Outsiders (including Aasimar) are proficient with all Martial Weapons. (It's not listed in the "Aasimar as player characters" section, but it is inherent in the Outsider Type. The Sage has clarified that Aasimar and Tieflings do get it.)

Now, I think it more likely she took the feat or took a fighter level, myself. Aasimar should have some visible sign that they are not human, and Haley's not drawn that way. But, it is fuel for the controversy.
Is there any evidence for that idea? Yes the whole evil opposite thing Sabine, but that's alone means the whole theory is in loony territory with just about any other possiblity.