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Thread: Custom Erfworld Icons and Wallpaper

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Scientivore's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portland, Oregon

    Default Re: Custom Erfworld Icons and Wallpaper

    As soon as I saw the most recent page, I knew that I had to make another Ansom avatar. I flipped it to face the posts like I do and made four versions like Steve does.

    (117x117 GIF) (117x117 PNG) (100x100 GIF) (100x100 PNG)

    Steve, this time I used your idea of putting it on top of a solid grey fill layer before resizing. I tried it both ways after that, accepting the magic selection tool's result for one and then also manually erasing extra grey pixels for the other. It actually looks better to me with the greyscale artifacts left in! Unlike the transparent artifacts from past attempts, it just resulted in nice solid lines and subtle, appropriate shadows.

    Edit: I couldn't possibly do that and leave out Vinnie's awesome "gwah?" face, now could I?

    (117x117 GIF) (117x117 PNG) (100x100 GIF) (100x100 PNG)

    (117x117 GIF) (117x117 PNG) (100x100 GIF) (100x100 PNG)
    Last edited by Scientivore; 2007-05-23 at 12:43 AM. Reason: failed experiment with putting the avatars into tables
    My avatar is a remix that I made of Prince Ansom. Resource credit:

    Snag some Erfworld avatars and backgrounds, make some lolerfs and motivators (or demotivators), read my Erfworld fanmix, or check out my latest spotlight on an under-discussed webcomic: Head Trip (Scilight #13)!