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Thread: Paladin/Cleric... Why Not?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Paladin/Cleric... Why Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by shaka gl View Post
    A little argument grew between my DM and I. He says that, flavour-wise, the Paladin/Cleric combination cannot happen, as they are "two separete sides of the same thing". As for me, I think thats nonsense. What do YOU think?

    PS: This is a discussion about the Flavour of the combo, not the Numbers.
    "Two separete sides of the same thing" "cannot happen?" Umm.. I would show him a coin, and point out that it has two seperate, similiar but unique sides, and it yet exists in complete defiance of his logic.

    The fact that they're similar only makes them MORE likely to happen, not less. You're right, if that is what he said it's a load of bunk.

    Maybe he's trying to argue that fighters don't become casters, but that's kinda what multiclass is all about.

    Then I guess you could explain to him that Succubi Paladins are technically legal in D&D even though they have an Evil Subtype and watch his head spin.
    Last edited by Tokiko Mima; 2007-05-25 at 08:27 PM.