Richter Bravesteel, a Human Paladin/Shining Blade: Richter has two big landmarks for me. The first is that he was the first paladin I ever played in 3.0 or 3.5. The second, is that he marked the first time I ever played a character who I feel was a better person then myself, which was a role-playing challenged I hadn't tried to before. ( I feel I'm a decent guy, but I'm not a saint.)

Richter was exactly what I think a Paladin should be. He was gentle and soft-spoken normally, and he could turn into an inspiring leader during combat. He almost always offered surrender to his enemies, and would never strike down someone who was helpless. He even went as far as to patch up foes who hadn't quite died yet, as he believed in redemption more then retribution.

He kept himself minimally well equipped, and would give half his remaining money to the rest of the party, and the other to churches, charties, and what not.

One of my favorite moments was in a combat with a Durzagon Cleric of Eranthyul, which was nearly the antithesis of Richter. He used his magic to charm the other characters except my character, and he was going to use them to activate an item that would sacrifice and entire community. Richter bravely stood against him, and demanded he free his friends. In two rounds, he landed several blows, and two smite evils on the Durzagon which broke his hold on the other characters. That being said, the Durzagon had a quickened Divine power up, and smacked me with an unholy blight as well, so poor Richter was beaten within an inch of his life...

Well, the other characters joined the fray, and we managed to win. Still one of my favorite encounters ever; one player said "Just Run, you can come back for us later." and I said, "Richter wouldn't run, there is too much at stake."

Thanks to him, I think I became a better role-player. :D