My favorite was Helmott, a Lawful Neutral (more like anal legal) human fighter Purple Dragon of Cormyr with only mediocre stats.
Known for:
  1. Not trusting most magic
  2. Treasuring his only magic items Murlynd's Spoon
  3. Thoroughly enjoying the gruel that said spoon produced
  4. Being ULTRA legal about things to the point of waiting for a zombie to hit him before breaking into a dungeon on the grounds of the zombie being a danger to the community
  5. Filling out (and enjoying) reems of paperwork to justify any adventuring situation.
  6. When facing a demon with a nasty impaling weapon, took an impale to the gut and rather than wriggling free, clung desperately to the weapon, thus effectively disarming the demon so the rest of the party could finish it off.