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Thread: Your favorite DnD character

  1. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    A long time ago in a ... well, you get the idea.

    smile Re: Your favorite DnD character

    Hmmm.... so many to choose... so little typing space.

    Aezetyr, Half-Fey Sorceress/Stormcaster.
    Stats are what you would expect for one of these characters. Nothing special outside of the 22 CHA.

    Lesser known for being the backup singer for the party Bard (my Perform[Singing] is at +12) and being said Bard's bodyguard; in a manner of speaking.

    More well known for:

    1: catching 4 ogres in a Lightning Bolt and taking out 3 of them in the same shot.

    2: Enthralling an entire villiage to weed out an evil being that is threatening said villiage.

    3: Casting "Tashas Hideous Laughter" on a party member that was about to sacrifice a yeth hound to his Intelligent dagger. (loong story).

    4: Being the lawyer for same said party member after they were caught trying to steal from the local constable. Keep in mind that for my Sorceress, Diplomacy is not a class skill (yet it's +13 at 8th level, only) and I am Chaotic to the core.
    Last edited by Quirinus_Obsidian; 2007-05-28 at 01:54 PM.
    Funny, I always figured I'd be killed by a paladin.
    So, what you're saying is we rolled a 1 on our credit check?
