A week has passed since the opening of the Hero Academy. A week of training in the gym, practicing in the danger deck (with reviews of the fights from Techno-Paladin), and occasionally patrolling.
Other than that, not much has been happening. The Monster War is still raging in Africa ((will talk about it in the OOC thread some day. Mad Scientist using genetically manipulated beasts for military purpose, taking over a few countries)). In more local news, Brick's death has raised numerous speculations, but no-one seems to have figured out what has driven the supervillain to suicide.
Techno-Paladin has warned you that an important lesson would be taking place today - but not with him. You're all at the academy's ground floor when you receive the holographic message he has left you:
"I wish I could be present at the lesson myself, but alas, I am going to be busy today - old Doc Prometheus robots have been reappearing in Japan, and Titan is worried somebody's reverse-engineered the designs. I'm needed as tech expert - but let me assure you, the teacher who'll be coming today is one of the best individuals for the task. Expect to meet him at 9:00."
It is 8:50.


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