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    Library Lovers Contest Winner
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: FR: Quest for the Forgotten Key IC (Sequoia)


    Chanda looks toward the group of them from her couch and stands, a bit nervous after the pomp of Ark's introduction.

    "My name is Chanda Az'rell. My...uhm...family is from Calimshar; my mother is an archmage and my sisters are an aspiring sorcerers and a prelate of Mystra...and I can just do things," she offers, her uneasy tone betraying her lack of experience. "Not magic," she adds hastily with a light shake of her head, "but something...I don't know. Something else."

    She lowers herself back down to the couch, tracing the spiral of the whip hanging from her belt with a thumb in nervous habit.
    Last edited by GryffonDurime; 2007-06-06 at 06:26 PM.