Quote Originally Posted by BarroomBard View Post
I can imagine a spellslinger walking up to a wounded townsperson, holding a gun to the poor NPC's head, and POW! Cure Light Wounds.
You read my mind. One thing we're trying to make sure of in the Dustlands, is that people have alternate ways of healing themselves, so not EVERY party has a cleric.
I like clerics. They're overpowered, but they're a fantastic class in terms of flavor and abilities.
But EVERY party HAS to have one. A bard can't cut it for a whole party, a paladin can't cut it for a whole party, ect...
The concocter makes a good healer. The Raindancer might be a healer, depending on the direction we take it...

Ah well. The other stuff you mentioned about the Spellslinger is good too. I'd like to bring it into line with the other two core casters... give magic in our world a little unity in mechanics. In fact, there's still a few places we can go with this...

We shall see.

I'll work on putting out a playable version of one of the classes soon, but remember they're still in "Alpha" edition, everything's subject to change and being tested meticulously.